Fee Brothers Chocolate Bitters

Article code: BED5858
SKU: chocolate
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  • Details
  • Fee Brothers have been one of only two mainstays in the cocktail bitters world for over 100 continuous years. Opened in 1863,
    Fee Brothers of Rochester, New York, is in its fourth generation of manufacturing top quality bitters.

    Ancient Aztecs would celebrate with a bitter beverage made of cacao beans, peppers and spices.
    Use a few dashes of Fee's Aztec Chocolate Bitters to expand the flavor of cocktails.

    Tasting Notes: A blend of sweet chocolate, with a hint of heat and spice. A must-have for the creative bartender.

    The Campfire Sling

    2 oz rye whiskey
    1/4 oz real maple syrup
    3 or 4 dashes Aztec chocolate bitters
    Orange twist

    Add whiskey, maple syrup, & chocolate bitters to a mixing glass with plenty of ice. Stir to chill and strain into a rocks glass with a large ice cube.
    Flame an orange twist over the glass (hold a lit match between the orange twist and the glass, & squeeze the twist to release the oils toward the glass. The oils will flame up as they're released)
    Rub the orange twist along the rim of the glass and add the twist to the cocktail as garnish.


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