Oak Pizza Wheel

SKU: bos-320540 cp12
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  • Details
  • Use a Pizza Wheel Oslo+ to cut your favorite pizza in easy-to-handle slices. The sharp pizza roller has a non-stick BSF™ surface. The entire construction is made of stainless steel, all the way to a handle made of oak, with the blade firmly attached to a holder. This makes this knife extraordinary sturdy and user-friendly. What kind of pizza do you enjoy the most?

    Non-stick pizza cutter
    Cut a pizza without any red saucy mess? That is possible with this pizza roller. This pizza knife has a non-stick BSF™ blade. This special non-stick method will remain equally strong for the pizza cutters entire lifetime. This translates into years of enjoying deliciously prepared pizzas. 

    Extremely sturdy pizza cutter
    Sometimes, pizza cutters can be flimsy and unstable. That is not the case with a BOSKA Pizza Wheel. Thanks to a handy design, you can effortlessly cut through every pizza and pizza crust. 

    Pizza roller with wooden handle
    The handle of this pizza cutter is made from high quality oak wood. It is not dishwasher-safe. Wash it by hand after each use. Regularly spray the handles with BOSKA Board Oil to protect the wood from splitting and becoming damaged. This way your pizza cutter will stay beautiful and very useful for a long time, and you will enjoy cutting many a deliciously made pizza.



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